Friday, April 11, 2008

April 13th Installment of Forward Forum

This week's show will focus on issues of social change including LGBT rights, Supreme Court campaign reform, the National Media Reform conference, and the current backlash against homeless people in Madison.

In our 7pm hour we will have:

  • Our weekly update on this month's Out And About Events on the UW-Madison campus, with Cory Schultz, Communications Director for the LGBT Campus Center. Great speakers, music and an array of other events are planned this week and through the end of the month. For more info:
  • An interview with Mike McCabe of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, with a focus on what you can do to prevent the hijacking of future Wisconsin Supreme Court elections by corporate-funded special interest groups. See .
  • This week's review of the week that was in politics, the media and other topics in the news
  • A preview of this year's National Media Reform Conference in Minneapolis, June 6-8, with conference organizer, Yolanda Hippensteele, on the phone from California. (This event began in Madison five years ago; 200 attendees were expected, almost 2000 came. The event, and the movement behind it have grown by leaps and bounds ever since, and dozens of Madisonians are expected to attend this year's event. See .)

Our 8 p.m. hour also should be great, and we'll provide:

  • A panel discussion with advocates for people who are homeless, discussing community responses to recent backlash against the homeless. As we've reported, multi-millionaire developer Fred Mohs began the recent "dialogue" about homelessness by pulling his support for free parking for a downtown church that offers shelter services. Recently, Isthmus Daily Page blogger Dave Blaska wrote a widely-read incendiary piece calling for a return to workhouses and other Dickensian punishments for homelessness and poverty--that may or may not have been tongue in cheek--which through innuendo and without substantive facts suggested that homeless people as a class of people were vicious vagrants who were likely behind recent murders in Madison. (As Mayor Cieslewicz said in a response to a question I asked at Downtown Madison Rotary on Wednesday, "We need to slow down here. There has been no evidence to suggest such a link, and homeless people as a group should not be blamed.")
  • A panel including the organizers of the a broadly-based group of community leaders that came together this last Thursday at the Community Action Coalition's office to speak out against the hate-filled rhetoric being hurled at people who happen currently experiencing the trauma of homelessness. (See Linda Ketcham (executive director of the Madison Urban, community activist Lisa Subeck, and Joe Lindstrom of the Homeless Consortium of Dane County will all be joining us to discuss this important issue.

It should be a great show, and we hope you tune in!

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