Tuesday, September 2, 2008

IVAW at the Conventions

By: Harry Waisbren

The Iraq Veterans Against the War had a major victory last week when they successfully delivered a message to senior Obama staffers to endorse the three main goals of IVAW: Immediate withdrawal, full veterans benefits, and reparations for the Iraqi people. This victory is particularly impressive considering the draconian police state conditions utilized for our conventions in these times, and it is also particularly telling that it is even a risk that Iraq veterans might be arrested for engaging three speech rights. The American News Project was but one of the independent media outlets to cover this, and you can watch their video report below:

Think Progress also reported on a rally featuring Iraq veterans at the Republican National Convention which began yesterday in St. Paul, MN. They report that "after denouncing Sen. John McCain’s treatment of veterans and his failure to vote for increase funding for veterans health programs, the speaker of the group said his fellow Iraq vets would travel to New Orleans to serve in relief efforts." You can also check out that video right here:

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